I've been whining about wanting Precocious to make it onto TV Tropes for a while, which someone finally did in order to shut me up. I'm on the notable furry comics page - even though the disclaimer at the top of that page points out that Precocious doesn't qualify. Basically, if a comic with walking talking animals exists, but it would work the same if those animals were swapped with human forms, then it's not furry. It's funny animals by definition! WHAT-EV-TO-THE-ER! More people pay attention to furry comics, so go ahead and classify me! If friggin Calvin and Hobbes gets classified as furry because of the whole tiger thing, then Precocious is fine with that. Yay furry!
Except that comes with consequences. Precocious now appears on a second TV Tropes page: The
FETISH FUEL page. Do what now? Seems Tiffany is just so beloved, that love has turned to perversion. I think this was done just to mock me for all my whining, so I guess I deserve it. Still, DUDE, SHE'S NINE! I will say I laughed my ass off when I found this out. Then a part of my soul died. C'mon people - *whine* - let's get on some less frightening places on TV tropes! (I can only imagine what awful entry will come now...)
Damn, that is a shame. As I mentioned on my previous comment, you should look for a place where furry isn't much perverse, sadly that is pretty much rare. Anyways, some people do classify this as furry, but don't let that bother you. I mean, in your galleries, from deviantArt and others, I don't see any sexual content, just an artist who happens to draw anthropomorphic characters. If it helps, I can try to look for a web site where you can advertise comics, and isn't much furry. Just remember, don't let anyone tell you anything negative about your comic.
Oh, don't worry about it. I think it's funny, and that TV tropes entry *has* brought in readers. (They must be so disappointed!)
I'm fine with being a "furry" comic, since it's easier to make the classification, and I don't mind that "hook" when I have no other. My biggest worry there is my comic will disappoint if you come expecting animal jokes.
I think my lesson here is that I should really be doing furry smut. I'd have so many more readers!
All my advertising comes via ProjectWonderful and word of mouth. I'm cheap and I refuse to spend any money on ads. PW revenue NORMALLY covers what I spend. This week, however...
Ouch, as I said, I didn't know much about this net subculture till recently, and with this comic being classified there, I can't say that I care because a rose would still be a rose if called by any other name. I never had to mix audio for any sort of smut (though I did have the chance, which I didn't take because working with a music studio gave more money). Anyway, I like the jokes you do and would rather not have to hear those rather cliched animal jokes (which you have done). I'm quite sure that people get more pissed of if you start talking about politics rather than not using characteristics based jokes. If you really want to do some sexual innuendos with your characters... start making a series of images called the conception of genius. I hope you don't fall (or raise yourself, depending on your perspective on the subject) to that level.
I'm way less of an expert than I'd wish, but it seems to me that what people will expect most when looking for furry comics is cute artwork with furry little animals, and that is definitively a part of Precocious. And I can't really imagine why would a person actually want to see animal jokes, and specially be disappointed by finding instead Precocious' intelligent humor. Allowance to call me naive is now given.
I am, however, concerned about the "Fetish Fuel" thing. Although I find it very funny, I feel sad about the idea of someone looking at the comic with that in mind and missing Tiffany's many times pointed out capacity of being born to be a classic. She totally deserves to be beloved, but not in that way.
Yeah Chris, it is hard to put comics like yours and not make it as a stereotypical furry. Anyways, I consider your artwork funny animal. It is basically anthropomorphic animals. Nothing more, nothing less.
Plus, you have an article on Wikifur.com. I will probably do somethings on it.
You do remember that you have basically adult furries in the comic too, not just the kids? As in, adults in loving married and presumably sexually active relationships who produced said kids?
Don't panic TOO quickly. Adult characters (even ditzes) are allowed to be sexy, and sexy can include that sort of 'old married' warm affection that is actually a fine, fine thing.
I know if I spotted some of your all-too-beleaugered adult couples hastily snuggling between putting out fires and disasters, I would smile and it'd make my day. Anybody who has been married with a kid would relate to that.
If they liked the adults, that would be fine - but this entry was specifically about TIFFANY.
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