Before I left for DC, I purchased Neko Case's album "Fox Confessor Brings The Flood" as well as the New Pornographers (featuring Neko Case) album "Challengers" *plus* their single "Letter From an Occupant." (Bonus: Neko was born in my home town, meaning for one year of my life we might have passed each other on the street. Also, on 9/11 I realized I had been in an airport before so it was very personal to me.) I got one good night of listening and love before I left. Guess what songs keep going through my head as I relax here without any music! (For those not in the know, I normally listen to music as I sleep. Here in DC I filled the void by turning the TV to ESPN. It's just not the same.)
As I near my return to Funchester (today!) the distraction has intensified. I needed my rockin' redhead fix! After pulling a Chibi cat and zoning out while providing "moral support" as my aunt and I ran annoying-but-needed errands, the songs were playing in my head so loud it was hard not to sing along - much less listen to what my aunt was saying. When I got home, I rolled the dice, hijacked the wi-fi again and pulled up YouTube to locate those cravable songs.
Once free for the night, I got to play them over and over as I sketched my own foxy redhead, Autumn, doing her best to emulate Neko's style.
Enjoy the songs with me!
(Edit: Changed the post title to a New Pornographers reference instead of a Charlotte Gainsbourg reference because she has nothing to do with this post other than writing a song with an appropriate title. I was tempted to go for a direct "New Pornographer" reference, but a dude who draws a strip about children just shouldn't go down that path. Just for fun: Had I wanted to go down that path and take a further detour into the badlands, Gainsbourg famously performed a song called "Lemon Incest" with her father. Imagine the possibilities!)
(Edit-again-because-I-can't-freakin'-sleep: Fuck it! I'm going with the Fox/Neko reference for a post title and then tossing it into a drunken blender. I'm not drunk. The blender is. I'm just stupid. Don't ask any more questions.)
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