That's right... football day!
Turns out it's a fairly pleasurable experience when your favorite teams are on bye, have already sucked and died this week and are so mutilated by injuries that their losses bring sympathy instead of frustration. I got to watch games where my soul wasn't riding on the outcome, which was nice. It was fun to watch the Ravens curb-stomp the Texans! Rookie QBs and coaches succeeding beyond anyone's wildest expectations? It's more likely than you think. When I tired of the ass-whooping, I switched over to watch the nonsense bowl, as the Packers and Vikings decided traditional scoring was too boring and went for scoreboard variety.
Anywho, a football sketch was spawned. I was tempted to draw Suzette mowing down everyone, but notebook pages can only fit so much. Jacob going flying in a strange pose is Peanuts-inspired and *not* just me avoiding the pressure of drawing weird angles. Just so you know.
Edit: You know, it looks like I forgot to draw pants on Bud. The image takes on a whole new meaning now! (He really *is* my cartoon avatar!)
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