I enjoyed letting people vote on which chick gets featured in a one-off role for a future comic, so let's keep going and narrow it down to one! The first vote eliminated three chicks - will this one settle on a favorite? (click the pic for a larger version.)
Each chick has been drawn in two poses, mirroring two of the three panels in which she'll appear. The redrawing also shows how good I am at drawing each particular chick. (If you care, #4 braid kitty is the easiest to draw and #3 dingo-ish chick is the hardest.) If there's any character tweaking you'd like to see - say you want a change in attire, shading and markings - you can suggest it. I'm not saying I'll make any changes, just that you *can* suggest something.
Yes, I am attention whoring a bit with something like this, but I *do* love getting feedback - even if I have to solicit it! Pay attention to meeeeeeee!
4/19 Update: Thanks for the feedback, everyone!
Adding in Twitter and DeviantArt voting, here's the current tally:
5 votes for #3
3 votes for #6
2 votes for #2
1 vote each for #1 and #4
#5 has developed self-esteem issues.
People can give their opinion up until I start working on the strip, which should be later on this week.
I leave me vote for numoro 6
I vote for numbah 3
I like #3
I like-a numba 4
Number 1... Foxes are, well, FOXY!
I vote for number 2
number 6
Number 5
I vote for #6!
And, don't worry, #5, you're perfectly cool. I'm sure you have other excellent qualities other than being able to draw in votes to be a random one-off extra.
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