Thursday, May 9, 2013

New Copper Road! (And stuff for the Cupcakers!)

They keep on coming! Vote here to see the latest Copper Road! I believe I'm done with my Kickstarter-fueled comic barrage, so this one might stay up a full week or more. (But it's cute, so you should vote and see it every day.)

For you Kickstarter backers, check your email. Since I can only send out surveys once, and I've realized it's likely best to wait until it's closer to shipping time (thought it won't be *that* long) I'm trying to get some feedback from those who ordered Cupcakes of Bliss gift boxes. While I make no promises about the dolls you get, I will certainly try to match people with one of their favorites. I'd also love to hear people's opinions on the buttons below. At this point, I think I'll have all of them made - just in smaller quantities, but again I want to play matchmaker the best I can. You'll get proper surveys soon, but this pre-survey gives me a decent look at what my order breakdown should be.

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