Sorry about missing yesterday's posting. I was... unconscious! I don't know what's gotten into me, but I am suffering from chronic nap attack as of late - and I never normally take naps! Actually I *can* make an educated guess as to what's happening to me. My sleep schedule is crap right now! I pulled a few super late nighters this week with the working on the comic buffer and just let my schedule shift and shift and shift...
So I apologize again for not having any sketchy goodness today, but I'm going to pack it in early tonight (in theory) and see if I can catch some consistent Z's! I promise to have something fun tomorrow! Maybe!
Sleep deprivation... Pretty annoying stuff (especially if you really don't have control over it)... For some reason once in a while I deprive myself of something (water) for a long while and just before I fall unconscious or simply cannot go on without water, just before those breaking points everything becomes super-saturated, the greens are too green, you can't tell individual blades of grass and everything is a bit like those very old colour films, but much brighter. Imagine putting a photo of people playing in a green field and putting the saturation slide in photoshop (pre CS3) up to the max, quite ethereal, but it can land you in a hospital. But that fixes itself in a day, sleep deprivation is much less pretty (The romans used to kill certain political prisoners with sleep deprivation. Try and get it back in cycle, good night for now.
Ahh, sounds like the hyperfocus of an artist at work. Can't say I've ever gone to *those* extremes, although I did manage to once go a week without eating! Boy, that aftermath was fun... (I wish I could do that now.)
Anyway, my sleeping plan totally failed. Hello, 4am!
Damn, very tiring. Good luck.
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