Wednesday, October 1, 2014

New Copper Road! 10/1/14

So the first of the month is hitting at an inopportune time. I'm out of town, which means packing for travel instead of packing Kickstarter boxes and no access to a scanner to digitize any newly-drawn comics. I made a joke about this on Twitter a few days back, and, well... when life gives you lemons, do something stupid with those lemons! Vote here to see the new comic!

Aside from meta-silliness, this one is fun because it's a chance to show kids being so very kids. (As the last member of the "I didn't grow up with the internet" generation, and someone who must work traditional because he can't use a digital tablet at all, this stuff also stings a bit.)

As with all first-of-the-month updates, the Copper Roads from the previous month will be added to the archive page. It probably won't come until the evening, as I'm leaving the house as soon as I post this, and I'll be gone for much of the day. (Remind me if I forget!) UPDATE: Last's month's comics are now archived, starting here! Go enjoy them again!

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