What have I learned from this? It's FUN to do mini-commissions, and I'm much better at it, timewise. So, of course, now I want to open myself up to (small) commissions again.
BUT I'M NOT! Not yet, at least. Other work takes priority. Check back here the first week in October, though... (And, I warn you now, the slots will be limited - and it's first come, first serve.)
There are several really neat pics in here!
Now, who's the kitty at the bottom left??
That's Drillecat, who you may remember from the recent batch of guest strips.
Ah; I don't see a drill so I did not think of her.
1. Is the mention of sharing a birthday with a national holiday a reference to anyone in particular? You, perhaps?
2. What board games are in the picture in the corner?
The holiday drawing was for someone with a July 4th birthday.
The only board game I drew was Jacob and Quincy playing chess. Bud and Autumn are reading evil-themed books in the last image. I can't remember exactly what they were off the top of my head.
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