It's been a while since Autumn wore her signature schoolgirl style, and that is a darn shame! Autumn is a weird anomaly in the comics world. She has more than one standard outfit, and she's not afraid to dress in one-off style. Why is this?
I suppose it's because the schoolgirl getup doesn't work in every occasion. If it's cold, she needs a jacket or her turtleneck. If it's a casual situation, she can get by in slacks and a tank top. The schoolgirl outfit is for Autumn at her crazy "I'm a master manipulator!" best.
In this case, the reason for being out of costume is fairly innocent. She was going to be sitting cross-legged on the floor, and a skirt was a no-no. Since the last few weeks were all part of the same day, she wasn't allowed to change. I do like the connotations, however, that Autumn has let her guard down around Kaitlyn. Now that Autumn's screwed up the situation, her schoolgirl outfit will reappear as defense!
Autumn is a fun character in that, as much as she thinks she's cool and collected, everything seems to affect her. She's enjoyably expressive, and I suppose that trait does lend itself to changing costume. Granted, I admit most of the costume changes were more of me testing things out than intentional mood draping, but it's still a nice touch!
luckily, PRECOCIOUS fan base has grown, but not too much that creepy fanart hasn't took advantage of that fact.
Or creepy fan thoughts for that matter.
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