Suddenly, playing around with color isn't so bad! That's just tedious. Tedious > Awkward!
After my bold declaration of not making Sunday strips, with the bold edit of not having a strip for THIS Sunday... I will have the strip ready for Sunday after all. Having lost complete control of myself, I went ahead an colorized Monday's strip as well. Color strips *do* look spiffy! Also, they mean strip creation takes twice as long. Also, if I colorize strips, I have to save each original in the hi-res form in case I'm ever cool enough to justify a published collection. Also, color strips make publishing costs go way up. Also, I am not getting paid for this. See, if that last issue is taken care of, all the others go away.
Cool colors, and it does look quite spiffy. One question though: if you're not getting paid, why do you do this comic? And a question for myself: why do I slave on making my story updates every Saturday or Sunday? The answer: fans and reviews. :)
Like all artists, I do the comic because otherwise I'd go completely insane without a method to purge ideas. (That is, if I'm not insane already.) Sanity is my only bargaining chip until I can win over fans, plural. ;-) One bonus: Spiffy colors might help get attention. Man, I haven't even thought of submitting the strip to review sites yet. There's so much to do when one starts to publicize!
Coloring is an interesting challenge. If I can find a way to justify 90 minutes a day to do it, it could be worthwhile. (This is where I mention the reason I can put so much work into the comic is because I'm currently an unemployed freeloader.. so what else am I doing?)
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