Sunday, August 17, 2014

New bonus comic + more Curtailed invasion!

UPDATE: Oh, look, the Precocious invasion of Curtailed is continuing! (This has been a wonderful surprise for me every week! I love it!)

I promise a deleted scene on Sunday, and I am (sorta) a man of my word. As the week went on, I realized the comic I was going to use for a deleted scene had juuuuust enough plot relevance that I really should put it into the main story instead. (You'll see it Monday.)

So now I needed a new deleted scene - vote here to see what I came up with! In my scripting notes, I had a dumb joke about Cole that would happen around, oh, the comic for Sunday.  Sure, why not? The joke also had the opening for copy/paste art - and even though it helped the effect this time, I do get worried if I have to do that in an official comic.  This will probably go on the silly, not-making-the-book pile, along with my "Give a Canadian a gun" indulgence, but I hope you enjoy it!

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