Monday, December 14, 2009

Wintertime in comicland

It's time to put cartoon wardrobe logic to the test: Winter is here! I've already witnessed one snow and one icy mess, so it's time to think about subjecting my characters to frozen water in its zestiest forms! After all, in comics, winter means snow ALL THE TIME! Cartoonists love white, fluffy idea fodder.

The problem, of course, is dressing these kids. They run around barefoot, with tails and ears exposed to the elements. Hats are physically difficult to keep on with that physiology, but snow hats mean winter clothes! It doesn't make sense, but that is how it works in the realm of cartoons, friends!

Should I go with a winter story, I'll need to set up my kids in suitable winter outfits. That seems hard, so maybe I'll waste winter with classroom stories! They can be fun too!

1 comment:

  1. Albeit that it is winter, snow is really tormenting us in L.A., instead we have to deal with cold winds and the occasional rain, which f-s up the scorched mountains making a possibility for landslides. On the bright side, no school until January. Yay, winter!
