Sunday, December 13, 2009

Eventually progress is made

Here's the paint sketch of the Tiffany as St Lucia commission. I did my best to fit the important parts on the canvas. Did I leave anything out?

It's kinda fun to have three paintings going on at once. It means I can keep swapping them in and out to keep myself fresh and inspired. If I reach a good stopping point, or suffer a bout of indecision, I can still go be productive with another piece!

Each painting is in an iffy state right now, for different reasons. My modernist venture is at the touch-up stage, meaning the next strokes I put on it will be FINAL. Scary! Gotta make it pop, and that means lots of my traditional lining. For the portrait, I am suffering under the "I did it too well" effect. My paint sketch was really good, and the first steps of coloring always makes the piece look awkward. I don't even know what colors to use yet! (That's a worry for tomorrow!)

For this one, I am hopeful. I'm not sold on the sketch, and that means TRY HARDER in coloring! Awkward sketches are ugly ducklings. I will SWAN this painting. Hard!

1 comment:

  1. Coming out pretty good. Note to self for later: take painting course in college.
