Tuesday, July 25, 2017

News Post Placeholder!

After being broken for, uh, more than a year, my news section is syncing again. And I need content for it! Since my chronic illness is still doing a number on me, it may be a while before a *proper* news post can go here. So... Enjoy this placeholder image!

I may not be able to do MUCH, considering how broken I am, but I still intend to update every single day. All extra stuff, from email communication, to side projects, to whatever, are indefinitely on hold.  I can't predict when my body will allow me to do this stuff. (Even writing this blurb will likely trigger a migraine - yay!) Just know I'm here and giving 100%. 100% of zero is zero, but STILL!!!


  1. Sorry for the minor non-sequitur, but I've run out of places to put this.

    Ever since the beginning of 2018, every time I try to comment on a Precocious strip, the comment is automatically deleted by the administrator. I'm really not sure what I did wrong. My leading theory is that it involves a comment I made on the last strip of 2017 pointing out a typo in the alt-text. (The comment in question has since been deleted, and the typo fixed.) If anyone who can help finds this, I would appreciate at least having some light shed on it.

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