Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Streaming times!

The book 2 preorders continue to be sent out, and I am now into the levels with artist editions. Since I'll be sketching them anyway, maybe I should try streaming one of my drawing sessions?

Tomorrow's stream is a casual one, hence the short notice. I'll be sketching artist editions, or doing owed artwork or maybe even drawing the next Copper Road. Depends on the sketching I get done tonight. Streaming will go for as long as I feel like drawing, but I'll guess 3 hours for this one. (If you ordered an artist edition, there's a chance you might see your book being drawn in if you show up!)

Next week begins the Rent-A-Chrispy rewards, which means a night of streaming devoted to those who pledged for 'em! That also means streaming will continue as the renters get their requests in.  Tuesday is when we begin, so come watch me be an art slave for 4-5 hours!

More streams will be announced as my schedule falls into place. I'll be tabling at Intervention next weekend, so I may be traveling down to DC on Thursday. If not, Thursday streaming!

A reminder about streaming:  Ustream is ad-supported, so expect to have to watch the occasional commercial. It's the trade-off for a "free" service. You don't need a Ustream account to watch or comment, but if you sign up you get to have a username, and you can then follow my Ustream page to get notifications of when I'm streaming. The stream has a lag, so factor that in when waiting for any responses from me.

I hope to see you around.

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