A place for artist Christopher J Paulsen to share art, sketches, opinions and whatever else bears mentioning.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
New Copper Road! (And stuff for the Cupcakers!)
They keep on coming! Vote here to see the latest Copper Road! I believe I'm done with my Kickstarter-fueled comic barrage, so this one might stay up a full week or more. (But it's cute, so you should vote and see it every day.)
For you Kickstarter backers, check your email. Since I can only send out surveys once, and I've realized it's likely best to wait until it's closer to shipping time (thought it won't be *that* long) I'm trying to get some feedback from those who ordered Cupcakes of Bliss gift boxes. While I make no promises about the dolls you get, I will certainly try to match people with one of their favorites. I'd also love to hear people's opinions on the buttons below. At this point, I think I'll have all of them made - just in smaller quantities, but again I want to play matchmaker the best I can. You'll get proper surveys soon, but this pre-survey gives me a decent look at what my order breakdown should be.
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