A place for artist Christopher J Paulsen to share art, sketches, opinions and whatever else bears mentioning.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Book 2 Preorder is a GO!
Here we go, folks! The book 2 Kickstarter campaign is underway! Let's make these books happen!
We had to wait until I got home from Fur the 'More - great convention, by the way - for me to push the GO button, but now it's time for success!
I used Kickstarter this year, because it is great for organizing the preorders and the tier system allows me to turn this from a project into an event! Let's see how great we can make this thing! The way it works is that you pledge an amount to get a certain tier. If the goal is reached (and, as of this edit, we're already close!) the project will be funded at the end of the campaign. That means payment will be taken on May 7th, and it also means you can change your pledge to whatever tier you want until then. This is good, as more options are still to come!
Feel free to ask questions on the blog, on Monday's comic, Kickstarter's message system or via feedback link. It'll help me work up an FAQ (edit: A first version is now at the bottom of the campaign page) and shape news posts. The Kickstarter will evolve and grow if the response is good, and there will be stretch goals to hit if the goal is achieved that shall unlock even more goodies!
I suggest you keep watch on the sketch blog this week, as I also have some fun behind the scenes stuff to share over there.
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