Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Oh my, what's this?

C-could it be? Is it true?

Why, yes, that would be the cover of the FIRST PRECOCIOUS BOOK! It's very real, and it's very awesome.  I'm so excited about this, everyone!  It's so pretty on the outside - and even prettier on the inside!  Aside from comics you love, there will be extra art, commentary and a special book-exclusive BONUS STORY.

It is highly suggested you start saving up your money, as the preorder will begin in just a few weeks.  We will be offering special bundles for the preorder, which will be your chance to grab some rare Precocious goods - including my first ever offer of original comic art!

Keep watching this space, as I'll be posting more teasers as we get closer to the fun stuff.


  1. *angelic choir*

    *hushed tones*

    It glows from within!

  2. Just tell me when to send the check!!! YAYY CHRISPY!!!

  3. Oh Hells Yeah! Definitely want some of this!

    Must tell my bank to prepare for emptying forthwith... >_>
