Wednesday, February 22, 2012

No Copper Road this week

If you've been following my Twitter, you probably know that I've been having hand problems again. Because of this, I'm going to take a day or two for proper rest, work on non-art stuff and let the Copper Road update slide to next week.

I do have some Copper Road scripts ready to go, but they're fairly drawing-intensive. Once the finger calms down, I'll get to making them. I have a five-day buffer on Precocious at the moment, so I don't expect any hiccups there. (If this hand thing lingers, I will be very very upset with the universe!)


  1. Solicit some guest strips, just in case!

  2. I am not going to break up an arc with guest strips again. If the hand is still dead come monday, I'll just have to take time off. (I'll think of something to keep you all occupied.)
