Friday, May 20, 2011

More background characters!

As I continue to script strips that require background characters, I continue to indulge readers by letting them take part in the process. Presenting: The latest sketches of proposed background characters!

This was a request for a fox, using a source pic of the reader running. I tried to match this guy's markings to the fox in his avatar. While he wore glasses in the pic, I think I prefer the sketch without them for the final version.

Since I ended up with so many fox requests, this poor soul ended up drawing the short straw and had to alter his proposal. A Yorkshire terrier was his fourth choice, but I hope it looks good enough to please him anyway. In this case, my favorite sketch includes the glasses.

I had a request for a calico cat, and those are always fun! Alongside our darling calico is a quick refresher sketch of Shane the dingo, a reader's character I've drawn before on this blog.

Turns out Siberian huskies lose a lot of impact when drawn with the gigantic eyes of the Precocious style, but I tried my best. (Unfortunately for this fan, my struggle also meant a less-than-prominent placement in Monday's strip.)

This one was inspired by a good, old-fashioned cat girl pic. I like the results.

The character behind this one is a robotic kitty with a drill for one of her arms. I had to strip that off, but I wanted to hint at the drill theme at least.

I put out the call on Twitter for volunteers to have their characters in the role of museum curators, and here's one of the luck winners. I'd say he's *another* red fox request, but his was actually the first of those to come in - and his has distinct coloring to work with - so this one wins.

Here's the other curator, a potentially unstable kitty!

Finally, this one wasn't actually a request. When I asked the eventual-terrier to choose something else, I offered to switch breeds of fox to gray or arctic first. He didn't go that route, but it did lead to me doing an image search anyway - and I found the CUTEST arctic fox pic ever! I just HAD to try Precocizing her! I dunno if she'll make it to a strip, but it was a fun experiment.

1 comment:

  1. All the characters look fabulous. I especially like Shane, she looks so awesome!
