Saturday, August 21, 2010

Grrl Power

Ta-dah! I finished something! (Pending approval, of course.) It only took a MONTH longer than normal. Obviously, this was due to the move/grad school panic - and commission man knew it would be delayed going in - but I still feel bad it took this long.

Now I move on to the long-term Dionne/Autumn commission. I'd like to get it done before I move, so that gives me a week to finish it. NO MORE EXCUSES, CHRISPY!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Chrispy, it looks great! I'm happy with how it's coming out. I was wondering though, when you send it, can get a letter of authenticity or whatever it's called, when you become a famous cartoonist and I stick this thing in a bulletproof frame.
