Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Battling midnight

*Phew* barely made it this time. I swear, midnight comes earlier every day! *My* days are from when I wake to when I sleep... but all these deadlines don't agree with me! Ahh, but my heroics pulled it off in the end!

Here is the line art for the Arbiter of Information commission. We have Max in his open, nice guy pose. Now the drawing goes for review, and if it's approved we move on to the coloring stage! For that, I am open to ideas. I have no idea how Max's outfit is colored. In my mind, it was white and gray - but that could be boring. Is that his regular red shirt under the robe, or is it something more color coordinated? Is his staff thingy gold, silver or what? This is why I make multiple copies of the linework. It lets me experiment.


  1. Having an exceptionally bad taste for colors, I can't really help. But I do think green would be nice somewhere, and not to much grey, because that's already the color of his fur. Dunno. But it looks very cute already!

  2. Well, I guess I'll just be a color commentator here-green just does not strike me as a color that would look good on Max in large quantities.
