Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Complete horror

Guys! Guys! This has been driving me INSANE. I cannot get horrified Autumn to look right, and it is making me sad. As you undoubtedly know, this commission involves Dionne one-upping Autumn in the schoolgirl chic department. Thus, we need a properly shocked fox girl. This is harder to do than expected.

Part of it is, sadly enough, the direction she's facing. It must be a left-handed thing, but I draw my characters MUCH better when they are facing the right. Doing a quarter-turn pose to the left is awkward unfamiliar territory. Am I seriously foiled by something as simple as looking left? REALLY? Sad. Grim. Pathetic.

Anyway, if you want to know where I've been these last few days, that's it. I have been failing at Autumn drawing and quitting. Maybe tomorrow will finally have the breakthrough. Heck, maybe I'll just dive into the painting and hope it all works out.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Maybe you could draw it your normal way, then reverse it with some combination of a mirror or scanner or something.

  3. Surprisingly, the doesn't always work. If you took the one of Autumn facing the right and flipped it, it would look wildly slanted. It's the heavy left-handed thing, I guess.

  4. Well, of these pics, I like the one on top left best.
    I also like the one on bottom left, but not for your intended use; it looks more like shock & confusion than horror. :-)

  5. Off topic; but, because I don't use twitter, I don't see a better place to comment on your need for a short bio for a magazie. Anyway...
    I think the one you already have at the top-right of your "sketch blog" page is already excellent and fills the requirement perfectly!
