Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Birthday partying! Or not.

It has been a... dull birthday. The highlight of my day was an uneventful trip to the DMV to renew my license. Wheeee! Overall, it was just another day. Ho Hum. I did get some comics finished, so my obligations have been met. Otherwise, I'm going to close out the day by eating/drinking whatever the hell I want! MEXICAN COKE AND AMARETTO CHEESECAKE! Yay!


  1. Happy Birthday, Chris. Due to my busy schedule, I'm not able to give you anything (plus, no Paypal or money to donate). However, I am planning to make a fan comic; I already started but it is still in progress. Hopefully I will send it to you by this weekend or next week (Spring Break!). Consider it a gift for all the inspiration you had given me.

    P.S.: Blick Art Supplies is heaven to artists, especially me.

  2. What the heck is a "Mexican Coke"??? :-)

  3. Mexican Coke is coke made with real sugar! Yummy!

  4. Kewl! Is that common in your area or what?

  5. It started appearing in our Costco for some reason, and I will ride that horse for as long as it lets me.

    (I still get the shakes over the loss of Pepsi Throwback.)
