Sunday, July 12, 2009

Damn you, Quincy!

I've been working on next week's strips, and it's been a fight! I love the scripts, but trying to cram in complex conversation into a teeny tiny three inch panel is very difficult. I've had to cut a few corners, move figures around and shuffle dialog like a madman.

So far I have two strips done. The first was a last-minute decision to scrap a strip and replace it with the strip I scrapped for that. Even if the strip is a flop, this new/old one gives me a potential book title! (I might run the alternate strip here after it runs.) The second strip featured such glorious things as five characters speaking in one panel, and I think I managed to pull it off reasonably well. It doesn't get any easier for the next strips. The dialog is too good to change, so I must improve my art-making!

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