Monday, May 25, 2009

I was told there would be no math

Ok, let's explain this confusing number situation (if today's comic didn't do it enough.)

Precocious has:
98 intro strips
1 intro/meet the kids strip
3 "bonus" Sunday strips
98 numbered 2009 strips

That's 200 total. PARTY! But it's on number 98. Why not wait until Wednesday. That's 100! PARTY! But it's not even the 100th of 2009. Counting the bonus Sundays, 97, the Beatles strip, was number 100. PARTY?

Either way, this is a week of milestones. Depending on what you want to celebrate, you can have a PARTY! No matter how you count, Precocious has come a long way since it launched on January 1st. One might even say Precocious' development is... precocious?

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